Work Experience


Assistant Dean (Innovation and Entrepreneurship)

Reporting to the Dean for the following responsibilities:
1. strengthen support for innovations and technology in CPCE;
2. enhance support for nurturing entrepreneurship amongst CPCE students;
3. strengthen cooperation among internal and external stakeholders and create greater synergy in R&D and knowledge transfer matters; and
4. assist in securing external funding to promote commercialization of CPCE staff and students’ R&D results.


Head of IT

Overseeing the Information Technology Unit with over 40 colleagues, e-learning platform, comprehensive IT services provided for over 18,000 students and 600 staff in PolyU’s Hung Hom Bay and West Kowloon campuses; and formulating IT policy for the College

  • Member of CPCE Campus Committee
  • Member of CPCE Campus Sustainability Committee
  • Member of CPCE Capital Project and Improvement Works Working Group
  • Member of CPCE Library Committee
  • Member of CPCE Grievances and Appeals Committee
  • Member of CPCE Staff Development Committee
  • Member of College Learning and Teaching Committee
  • Member of Non-academic Staff Consultative Group
  • Member of Task Force on CPCE Website Policy
  • Member of Advisory Committee e-Learning (ACE), PolyU
  • Proposal Review Panel Member of eLearning & Blended Learning Development Fund (2013-2016), PolyU


Courses Taught: E-Governance, Strategic Management and Leadership, Culture and Organization, Project Management and Research Projects



Projects involved as Sub-consultancy:

  • West Kowloon Cultural District (WKCD) Public Engagement Exercise
  • Building Design to Foster a Quality and Sustainable Built Environment
  • Construction of Central-Wanchai Bypass at Causeway Bay Typhoon Shelter

Manager (Research)

Projects coordinated and managed:

  • Building a Hong Kong-Shenzhen Metropolis
  • An Analysis of the Managed Care Market in HK
  • HK Competitiveness: A Multi-Dimensional Approach
  • Development and Financing of HK’s Future Health Care
  • China’s 11th Five Year Plan: Opportunities and Challenges for HK
  • Review of HK’s Socio-Economic Progress: A Quantitative Assessment
  • Enhancing Governance in HK: A Study of Civic Engagement in Public Policy Making
  • Competitiveness of the HK Economy: A Study on Productivity Growth, Unit Labour Costs & Structural Changes in Export Composition
  • An Analysis of the Impact of the One Way Permit Scheme on HK’s Demographic Structure

Associate Investigator

Projects involved:

  • Global Distance Education Network (GDENet) (World Bank Funded)
  • Web-based Interactive Tutoring System (Webits)
  • Direct and Indirect Effect of Online Learning at OUHK
  • Lifelong Learning in Hong Kong
  • Learning Science at a Distance: Students’ Perspectives of Practical Work

Research Assistant I

Projects involved:

  • Supporting Teachers in Using I.T. in Special Education (QEF Funded)
  • Equity, Excellence and Efficiency of HK Special Education (UGC Funded)
  • Making Integration Successful (QEF Funded)
  • Learning to do Classroom Research (CERG Funded)

Research Assistant I

Projects Involved:

  • Hong Kong Housing Home Page (HK Housing Authority Funded)
  • Housing Policy: Homeownership and Young People